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WOW Woman<br> - <br> Sarah Parish

WOW Woman
Sarah Parish

Sarah Parish is one of Britain’s best-loved actresses with an illustrious career spanning over two decades. She is currently filming an eight-part series, The Collection, for Amazon Prime and this month she begins to film the third and final series of Broadchurch and series six of Trollied.


The Charity she runs with her husband, The Murray Parish Trust, has been given a huge boost this year with George Osbourne granting £2m in the spring budget to be matched by them for the build of a brand new paediatric A&E for Southampton. It will service 11 counties and help thousands of children across the south of England.


The first fund raising venture is a music festival on 4th of June with The Fun Lovin’ Criminals, Dodgy and Ward Thomas playing.

Visit for further information.

We caught up with Sarah on a lovely sunny day on the Southbank to find out more about what she loves, likes and loathes…


Photography by Christian Banfield

Yoga or Pilates?

Pilates. It’s slightly more rigorous which I like.

Yoga pose / Pilates move?

Supine spine twist.

Flat white or green tea?

Green tea. I drink loads of the stuff

Green juice or cocktail?

Green Juice. I juice every morning with cucumber, celery, yellow pepper, apple, carrot, ginger and spinach

Summer or winter?

Winter. I love feeling cosy and warm.

City or countryside?

Countryside. I lived in London for 24 years. I never miss it.

Dancing or DVD?

Dancing. I feel truly happy when I’m dancing.

Last meal?

Teriyaki salmon and beetroot salad. The on set catering on the job I’m doing at the moment is fantastic.

Da Vinci or Di Caprio?

Da Vinci.

Charlotte Bronte or Caitlin Moran?

Caitlin Moran

Vogue or National Geographic?

National Geographic everytime.

Angela Merkel or Hilary Clinton?

Angela Merkel because of her open door refugee policy

What never fails to make you smile?

My daughter Nell

What character trait do you love in others?


What character trait do you loathe in others?


What are you most curious about in 2016?

How far America will let Donald Trump into their lives!!

What has been your favourite year so far and why?

This year is panning out pretty well. Really busy with lots of different projects all of which I love.

What has been your least favourite year and why?

2013. My Dad died and my husband was away working in Toronto for 5 months. I’ve had worse tragedy in my life but for some reason that year really took it out of me.

Favourite book?

Impossible question. There are way too may brilliant books but for today I choose The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger

Favourite film?

Same as above! Impossible. But today I choose La Dolce Vita by Federico Fellini

Favourite character you have played?

Allie Henshall in Cutting It

Most challenging role?

The Troll in Merlin!! Getting in and out of that fat suit was a challenge!

Motto to live by?

Don’t sweat the small stuff

What’s your guilty pleasure?


If you were Prime Minister what would be top of your agenda?

Giving a lot more money to the NHS

A single piece of advice to the next generation of women?

Be constantly curious and never intimidated.

Favourite piece of Asquith clothing?

The blissful wrap

What is it about Asquith that you love?

The comfort and softness of the clothes.

Who would you most like to see wearing Asquith?

Kate Middleton! She looks super sporty and would rock a bit of Asquith!

Who is your Wow Woman?

Sarah Lancashire. She’s a stayer, a grafter and a true talent.

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