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Sharing Light, Love and Laughter - Tips for getting through isolation [VIDEO]

Sharing Light, Love and Laughter - Tips for getting through isolation [VIDEO]

We've asked our friends, family, neighbours, yoga and Pilates community, Wow Women and everyone at Asquith to share any lockdown tips that are giving them light, love or laughter right now, in these challenging times when we all must deal with isolation and staying indoors for most of the time.

It could be a favourite playlist, a poem that has always inspired you, a much-loved family recipe, a yoga sequence that sets you up for a positive day, or even just a favourite box set to escape into.

We're going to compile all the suggestions here over the coming weeks and share them where we can on our social media pages too. We hope it will bring a small ray of sunshine to people's day and prove a useful resource too.

Do you have something that makes you feel good that you'd like to share with us? Music, a book, a poem, a foolproof cake recipe? Be it silly or more heartfelt, practical or fanciful, we would love to see it and share with everyone. Please email with your contributions.

In the meantime, we're kicking things off with Team Asquith's top lockdown tips for managing our new way of life, working from home...


Alice - Founder and Creative Director:

Daily workouts. I’m loving Joe Wicks at the moment, as is the rest of the country, and I always keep up with my daily meditation, both in the morning and the evening.

Danielle - Social and Content:

Scheduling in daily yoga, running up and down my stairs (I live in a building with 12 floors) and cooking time, helps to break up the day and have things to look forward to. Comfy clothes also help, I still don't miss my jeans!

Katie - Brand and Communications:

My number one tip is not to get overwhelmed by the prospect of homeschooling. The most important thing is to be with your children in whatever capacity. Trying to manage work and looking after your kids can be tricky so if putting them in front of a movie means you can crack on with some work, don't feel guilty about it.

Amy - PR and Promotions:

Giving myself at least 30 mins a day on my own to workout, by myself is keeping me sane. My favourite London spinning studio Psycle is offering live classes on Instagram so I have been keeping up with them and our live yoga classes, in our ethical activewear of course...

Rosie - Digital Marketing:

Carving a space out in the house that is reserved for work and work only is helping to keep my working life balanced and in check.

Feel Good Recipe By Katie Caldesi Co Founder of La Cucina Caldesi:

Although we might have more time to cook at the moment, we need recipes that can be made from store cupboard ingredients or whatever we have in the fridge. We asked Katie to share her recipe for this super simple pizza omelette. All you really need are eggs, tomatoes and your favourite toppings. Now for the recipe...


The basic omelette

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 10g (¼oz) butter
  • ¼ teaspoon fine salt and freshly ground black pepper

Recommended Toppings:

  • 5 tablespoons seasoned tomato passata or mashed tinned tomatoes
  • Half a teaspoon dried oregano
  • 8 black or green olives, stoned
  • Six slices of salami or spicy sausage or anchovy fillets, optional
  • 75g Mozzarella, drained, grated cheddar or goat’s cheese
  • Few leaves of fresh basil or any other fresh herb
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Heat the grill to hot.

Make sure you have a warm plate ready and everything you need to hand to work quickly. Use a fork to beat the eggs in a small bowl with the seasoning until well combined. Heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Add the oil and butter to the pan and swirl it around as the butter melts to coat the base of the pan.

Increase the heat to high and when the butter starts to foam, add the eggs. Use a spatula to move the eggs around for about a minute, criss-crossing the pan to get the runny eggs to the bottom but make sure there are no holes in the omelette. When the outer edges become opaque, run the spatula around the rim of the pan to loosen it. Shake the pan to make sure the omelette can slide.

When the eggs are almost set on the base of the pan, remove it from the heat. Dollop on the tomato sauce and spread it out gently with a spatula, don’t go over the edges of the omelette. Evenly scatter over the oregano and olives, lay on the salami, if using, and tear over the Mozzarella.

Put the pan under the hot grill for 2 to 3 minutes or until the mozzarella has melted and the egg edge has risen and browned. Using oven gloves remove the pan from the grill and slide the pizza omelette onto the warm plate. Scatter over the basil and enjoy.

Per serving: 2.7g carbs, 2.1g fibre, 22g protein, 35g fat, 422kcal

Tips to support your immune system by Unbeelievable Health

We caught up with the Founder of Unbeelievable Health, Sarah Orecchia to find out her top tips for keeping your immune system strong and healthy.

Ensure you are getting enough exercise and get plenty of sleep.

It’s proven to be crucial for immune function. Avoid caffeine after 2pm and if you have trouble sleeping, there are a few natural ingredients which have been shown in studies to help , including Montmorency cherry, hops, magnesium, saffron & griffonia seed (find them all in Bee rested supplements).

Enjoy some sunshine.

Vitamin D is essential for robust immune cell function.

Keep stress levels in check.

Excess anxiety can increase levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, which has been shown to suppress immune function. Try yoga, meditation and reading and try some natural supplements- lemon balm, passion flower, rhodiola & lion’s mane mushroom, are all shown to help (find them in Bee calm supplements).

Eat a nutrient rich diet and limit or avoid junk food, sugar and foods that turn into sugar.

In the body like refined white carbs, white bread, pasta and alcohol. Bacteria thrives on sugar.

Try immune supporting supplements.

With ingredients shown to help such as propolis, elderberry, olive leaf & beta glucans (find them all in Bee prepared immune formula).

Stay positive and help others..

Having a good mind-set has been shown in studies to help improve physical and mental health as well as the immune system.

Immune Supporting Smoothie by Unbeelievable Health:

Unbelievably tasty and unbelievably good for you, this immune supporting smoothie is our new favourite way to top up on nutrients.

With good levels of magnesium, zinc, vitamin C and folate, all of which are full of antioxidants and vital for a healthy immune system.

Pineapple contains bromelaine which helps with inflammation. Bee Prepared supplements contain a great blend of immune boosting ingredients in concentrated amounts, and ginger has a wonderful anti-inflammatory action, what could be better?!

  • ½ cup of frozen pineapple
  • 1 apple (core removed)
  • ¼ cucumber
  • 1 handful of baby leaf spinach
  • 1 small handful of strawberries
  • 1 inch piece of fresh ginger
  • 1 tbsp turmeric powder or grated fresh turmeric (optional)
  • 2 tbsp organic plain yogurt (either add in or dollop on top)
  • Capsule contents of 1 Bee Prepared immune formula (Daily or Max)

Blitz it up in a NutriBullet and your all set!

Find out more and shop all the Unbeelivable Health supplements here...

Ultimate Isolation Playlists

There's really no better way to lift your spirits than with some great music which is why we have compiled our favourite songs and turned them into the ultimate playlists for every mood.

Whether your getting into a yoga flow or need some beats to motivate your workout, we've got you covered.

Get listening here...

Yoga, Yoga and more Yoga!

We have been asking our favourite yoga teachers to share their favourite poses and yoga sequences with us so you can practice from the comfort of your own home.

From 5 minute yoga poses to 30 minute yoga flows, we've got you covered.

So get out your mat, get on your ethical activewear and check out our free yoga classes here...

Wellness tips and tricks with Makeup Artist Tahira:

We asked Makeup Artist Tahira to share some of her favourite ways to stay well and her top tips for cultivating a skincare routine to help you feel well in these somewhat unsettling times.

You can find out more about Tahira and her wellness tips here.

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Wacky Cake by Renée Elliot:

Founder of Planet Organic and Beluga Bean, Renée Elliot shows us how to make her famous, family recipe for 'Wacky Cake'. Over to Renée...

'I developed this from a recipe from my mom, Lucille. It is ridiculously quick to make, healthy and delicious. I use wholegrain spelt flour, so the cake is wheat-free, egg-free and dairy-free. (All ingredients, especially cocoa powder and chocolate chips, should be organic.)

'For the lemon poppyseed version, zest the lemon first and put the zest in with the lemon juice. For a vanilla cake, omit the cocoa powder and don’t add anything else.

  • 360g wholegrain spelt flour
  • 180g sugar
  • 4 tbsp cocoa powder (or 4 tbsp ground cinnamon or 4 tbsp poppy seeds or 50g chocolate chips)
  • 1½ tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
  • ½ tsp fine sea salt
  • 16fl oz/2 cups water
  • 9 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus oil for greasing
  • 2 tbsp cider/white wine vinegar (or lemon juice and 2 tbsp lemon zest and 2 tsp lemon oil if you have it for lemon poppyseed)
  • 2 tsp vanilla (omit for lemon poppyseed and add 1 tsp lemon oil if you have it)

Check out the video on the left for the full method.

Staying mindful in isolation with Angelica Malin

We asked Founder of About Time Magazine, Angelica Malin to share her top tips for keeping sane during isolation and how she stays motivated throughout the week.

From planning your days, to booking in self-care moments, check out her video on the right to find out more.

Find more of Angelica's advice and top tips from About Time team here...

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Our favourite shows to binge watch in isolation

We all have a little more time on our hands, so we have rounded up our top picks for some serious binge watching to help you get through the next few months.

From comedies to documentaries, educational kids shows to great British classics, there's something for everyone on our list.

Discover our top picks here...

Curate Self Love with Louise Murray

Positive affirmations are a powerful way of sending yourself a great dose of positive vibes and they are a great self-love tool especially if you are feeling anxious or unsettled.

By starting your day with the repetition of one or more positive affirmations, you set the right intention for the day, brighten your mood and up your confidence. If you feel awkward saying them out loud to yourself, try writing them down and keep looking at them throughout the day to remind yourself of them.

Slowly, slowly, day-by-day you will reinforce the messages and train your subconscious mind to tune into the truth of self-love more and more often. It really is MAGICAL stuff!

Here are a few of my favourite self-love affirmations that you can use to get started:

  • Today, I choose me
  • I love my body and all it does for me
  • I believe in me
  • I love the woman that I am
  • I am growing and learning every day
  • I am deserving of happiness, love, peace, freedom, and anything else I desire
  • The more I practice loving myself, the more loveable I become
  • I deserve all that is good
  • I am loved

Make affirmations a part of your daily routine and let us know how you feel as you take them with you on your isolation journey.

Louise Murray is a Health & Mindfulness Coach with the qualification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and a mindfulness coach. You can find out more about her and her work here...

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5 minute yoga for stress relief

We asked Yoga Teacher Nahid de Belgeonne from The Human Method to share her favourite pose for reducing stress, fatigue or for when you simply need a little support.

You can find out more about Nahid and her classes here...

30 Minute Dance Class

There's no better way to shake off the isolation blues than with this super fun dance class by the founder of Dance Box, Illana Gambrill.

Give it a go and let us know how you get on in the comments below.

You can find out more about Illana and her classes here...

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Walk Active Core & Tone with Joanna Hall

Join fitness guru, Joanna Hall as she teaches a dynamic 25 minute class to target your core and tone your body.

Joanna's scientifically proven exercise system has been designed to improve your posture, reduce joint strain and improve muscle tone.

You can find out more about Joanna and join her Walk Active Core and Tone programme starting on the 11th May here...

Get moving with Pilates

We asked the Founder of Body Control Pilates, Lynne Robinson aka 'The Queen of Pilates' to share her favourite sequence to add to your daily routine. It only takes one minute, so now you have no excuses.

Throughout the month of May we have teamed up with Body Control Pilates to offer all Asquith customers 25% off their first 6 month subscription to Body Control Pilates Central a hub of over 250 Pilates videos to get you moving.

Simply use the code ASQUITH2020 when you start a monthly subscription and it's all yours.

You can find out more about BCP and their many classes here...

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The Louisa Drake Method

Enjoy this 30 min sample LDM®️Sculpt workout with Louisa Drake founder and creator of the Louisa Drake Method. Enjoy this 30 minute low impact, total body session that fuses a mixture of strength and resistance to target the glutes, thighs, core and arms. Louisa’s studio is located in London’s Fitzrovia but you can join her and the LDM team online via their live streamed classes and online workout videos here...

With a variety of classes on offer from a “Shape Changer” cardio and conditioning workout through to “Sculpt & Stretch” sessions alongside pregnancy fitness, there's something for everyone here...

World Meditation Day

It seems rather fitting that World Meditation Day would fall in this crazy time where everyone could do with a little bit of self-care. Our Founder Alice Asquith is a firm believer in meditation. Having been taught by the London Meditation Centre over 10 years ago, meditation is part of her daily routine as well as others in the Asquith team. Here are just SOME of the reasons why we think everyone should meditate:

  • It helps to reduce stress levels
  • It increases concentration levels
  • It helps you to sleep better
  • It's great for self-awareness
  • It helps you to stay grounded
  • It helps you to see the 'bigger picture' of situations
  • It increases creativity

We are working on sharing our top meditation tips for stress relief but for now this 30 second 'nature meditation' will help you to stop scrolling, switch off the computer and get inspired to get meditating in nature today and everyday...

Give it a go and let us know how you get on in the comments below.

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She Dares To Dream

Our Founder Alice Asquith recorded her first ever podcast during lockdown with the lovely Michaela Olexova. They sat down (remotely) to chat all about our ethical activewear, why you should always listen to your gut and why cash flow is king. You can listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts or from Michaela's website here...

Want to listen to more music but don't know where to start? We have compiled our favourite playlists for to make you feel wonderful here...

Dance Dance Dance!

Our favourite dance teacher, Illana Gambrill is back to teach you a 30 minute routine that will get you moving, shaking and grooving.

So get your dancing shoes on, press play and let us know how you get on in the comments below...

You can find out more about Illana and her teaching schedule here...

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Tropical Matcha Smoothie Bowl

We asked health and mindfulness coach Louise Murray to share her recipe for this nutrient-packed smoothie bowl.

Made with just a few simple ingredients it's super energising and only takes a couple of minutes to make.

Including hemp heart seeds as a great plant based source of protein and cacao nibs and goji berries for added iron and energy.

Find out how to make this antioxidant rich breakfast here...

Meditation with Founder of the London Mediation Centre, Jillian Lavender

In this 30 minute class Jillian explains how meditation works and why it’s one of the most important tools in these hectic and uncertain times.

Starting with an introduction to this powerful knowledge and ending with a simple stress-busting technique to get you started on your meditation journey.

Our Founder Alice was taught to meditate at the London Meditation Centre and Vedic Meditation is a part of her daily ritual, so give it a go and let us know what you think in the comments below...

You can find out more about The London Meditation Centre and their courses here...

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Beetroot Macaroons by Louise Murray

We asked health and mindfulness coach Louise Murray to share her recipe for these delicious beetroot macaroons.

Packed with a host of healthy, nutrient-dense ingredients including beetroots to support your energy levels, they are a great alternative to sugary snack bars.

You can check out the recipe here...

These are one of Team Asquith's favourite pick-me-ups, so give them a go and let us know what you think in the comments below...

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