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Wow Woman <BR> - <BR> Sadie Frost

Wow Woman
Sadie Frost

Actress, designer, author and all round wellness warrior. Meet our latest Wow Woman, the wonderful Sadie Frost.

First and foremost an actress, performing on the stage and on the screen, Sadie is the co-founder of Blonde to Black Pictures, fashion label FrostFrench and she is the co-author of the health and wellness book, Nourish.

Yoga has been a life long practice, she is a trained Kundalini yoga teacher and has studied extensively on issues such as anxiety, addiction and trauma, plus nutrition, raw food and massage.

Sadie Frost

What is your earliest ‘wellness’ memory?
My mother brought us up vegetarian so diet right from the beginning was an important aspect in my life, she took me to my first yoga class at 14 years old so I was always made aware of breath and meditation both of which helped me with my childhood bronchictius and opened my eyes to their healing effects.

What was your dream job when you were younger?
I always wanted to be a performer.

We love that you have such a philanthropist tell us about some of your favourite charities.

  • Centrepoint is one of my favourites, because I really believe every young person should have a roof over their head no matter what situation they might be in.
  • The Teenage Cancer Trust is amazing, I’ve helped them with thier fundraising and events and they are so inspiring and dedicated to their cause.
  • Help Refugees is a wonderful charity that my friend Josie Naughton set up, I visited outreach in Greece and I was incredibly moved with what people were having to deal with.
  • Graeae it is so inspiring to see the work they are doing and it’s definitely one that people should be more aware of.

What is the biggest challenge you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?
Being a single mother with four children under 10 and having post-natal depression was really tough, I was lucky to have a lot of support from my family and friends so I was able to work through it over time, but I think it’s such an important issue that needs to be discussed more openly so women are not ashamed to come forward and get help.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
Enjoy your life to the full, never judge anyone and mind your own business.

How do you think technology and social media has changed the way we eat, drink and stay healthy?
It’s great that there’s so much information out there on social media including hundreds recipes, different bloggers, news and health tips, however I do think that it can be overwhelming so I only follow the people that I trust and believe are sharing correct non misleading information.

Do you think it’s a help or a hinder?
Both- I think when we are stuck on our phones it can be very stressful and unproductive. Sometimes it makes me feel quite toxic and sick, so I try to turn my phone off as much as possible, but sometimes there are those little gems of knowledge that I couldn’t live without….

What is your favourite new food discovery? food, product, research etc…
Right now I’m loving Turmeric lattes with coconut milk. Also, fresh grapefruit juice for mood swings

If you could give us one health tip what would it be and why?
I believe that it’s really important to try and avoid unnecessary western medicine as it can creates so many problems such as leaky gut and certain immune diseases. I always try to take the natural approach when I can such as lemon, honey and ginger for a cold or arnica for bruising.

Tell us about your book Nourish – Mind. Body. Soul?
It’s a beautiful book with lots of recipes, fitness tips, beauty, mind body and soul. It’s a little bible to flick through or dip in and out of when you need a bit of inspiration and help to live a healthy and happy life.

What is your go to recipe?
Lentil soup – Easy to make, delicious and highly nutritious.

How do you juggle your film work with running a home and family?
I’m very lucky I have great business partners, I can survive on little sleep and even though this can be stressful I do find the time to de-stress.

You’ve had such an extraordinarily varied career. Is acting more rewarding to you than film producing?
To tell you the truth I love it all. I love acting, producing, writing and designing. I just love being driven- some might say I am a workaholic but a lot of my socializing takes place in the work place so I get the best of both worlds.

Everyone practices yoga/Pilates for different reasons. When did you start and why?
I started very young which I am so grateful for, I do it to calm my mind but also I have had an on going back problem so both yoga and Pilates remedy that.

Favourite yoga/Pilates pose and why?
Downward dog to stay grounded. Headstands- to give me focus.

Mindfulness or Meditation?
Can I say both.

What do you do in your downtime?
I don’t have much time but when I do I retreat to bed.

Where do you go to ground yourself?
The Heath.

What is your favourite London hotspot?
Quo Vadis.

Where is your favourite place in the world?
Northern Goa.

City life or country living?

What are three things you can’t live without?
My family, my dogs, yoga.

What is your quote of the day every day?
The serenity prayer or Namaste.

What is your single piece of advice to the next generation of women?
There is never any reason to feel unconfident. Low self esteem and un-confidence plays a cunning trick.

Who is your ‘Wow Woman’?
My Mum.

If you could only live in one item of Asquith clothing what would it be?
I like all of them but I love the Be Grace Batwing..

Find out more about our inspirational Wow Women here…

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