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Asquith Adores Nominee - EYM

Asquith Adores Nominee - EYM

We caught up with the husband and wife team behind EYM to find out more about their totally delicious, non-toxic candles and just some of the many reasons we had to nominate them in the Home category of the Asquith Adores Awards...

Can you tell us how/why you started your brand?

We started Eym when I (Poppy) was pregnant with our first child, and I read an article explaining the negative effects of synthetic candles (which most leading brands are) and the level of toxins released when they are burnt. After doing lots of research, I found there were very few 100% natural candle brands out there. We felt there was a gap in the market for an aspirational yet natural candle product. Sam (my husband and co-founder) is a graphic designer, so he created all the beautiful packaging.

We pride ourselves on making super soft ethical yoga clothes, if your brand had to be remembered for one thing, what would it be and why?

I love this question, I think defintely that we hope to have created a product that brings a sort of ritualistic joy to people. Our aim has always been to create a moment of calm in busy lives and I think candles can be so symbolic in doing this. Our candles are fragranced with pure essential oils, and we have worked really hard on creating aromatherapy blends that assist people’s moods. 



How do you ensure you stay on top of ethical/eco trends and ensure your brand is moving in the right direction as it constantly evolves?

This has always been a no-compromise area for us, I just don’t think you can build something these days that isn’t based on ethics. We always work with British based artisans to create our products and ensure our production line is ethical and sustainable from start to finish.

If you could share one tip for someone who wants to live more ethically and sustainably in 2019 what would it be and why?

Shop less and walk more. Walking is one of my favourite things, not only is it better for the environment, but to me, there’s nothing more satisfying than getting a coffee, plugging yourself into a good podcast and setting off.


What is your favourite product and why?

Currently our new LAZE candle. It’s the meditative one, it’s made with frankincense and patchouli. Frankincense is the oil of spirituality and is deeply soothing. I also love the slight 60’s hippy scent of the patchouli. This candle has become such a lovely part of my meditation practice. It’s also great to burn when you’re in the bath or at any moment when you want to go a little bit deeper.

And finally, is there anything you would like to share with our readers?

I think the main thing is, to remind them to give themselves a moment to catch their breath. I know how hard this is! I have two small children and a business and I am constantly whirling around. It takes real awareness and determination to do this, but my goodness it’s important! Otherwise, you never get a chance to soak everything up. I’ve recently been reading Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now” and have found it profound on many levels. That and headspace have been a game-changer to help me slow down.


You can cast your vote for EYM in the Asquith Adores Awards here...

Everyone who VOTES will be in with the chance of winning a £200 Gourmet Guide Restaurant Voucher

You can find out more about EYM and their beautiful candles here...

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